Learning Turkish


With its different dialects, Turkish is spoken in a much more common geography than it is thought in the world. For example, in countries such as Germany, France, Netherlands, Macedonia, Greece in Europe and millions of people in a vast geography in Central Asia speaks Turkish as a native or second language.

Thus, learning Turkish is not only a condition that you should meet for your educational life in Türkiye, but also an advantage after graduation. Also, no matter what language your academic education in Türkiye is, speaking Turkish at a minimum level will greatly facilitate your daily life.

Turkish Proficiency

While the language of instruction in some of the universities in Türkiye is English, Turkish is the main language of instruction in most universities. Although Turkish language proficiency is a prerequisite in terms of admission to many academic programs, you can also be admitted to universities without knowing Turkish. After admission to undergraduate or graduate programs at many universities, international students are given the opportunity to attend Turkish preparatory courses. For a reasonable fee, or in some cases, for free you usually get 4-6 hours of language lessons per day at different levels. At the end of the preparatory school, all students take the exam and begin the program at the university where they are admitted in the case of a certain level of language proficiency. Please also check that you are provided with supportive Turkish language courses separately from the preparatory school at the school where you are admitted.

Students who are admitted to a university within the scope of Turkish scholarships that meet the expenses such as university contribution, dorm fee and general health insurance are also able to receive free Turkish education for an academic year. At the end of preparatory class, students are expected to receive Turkish proficiency certificate at level C1. Students who have a C1 certificate continue their university education. Students who fail are entitled to additional time and examination until the beginning of the next academic year.

Yunus Emre Institute (https://www.yee.org.tr/)

You can apply to Yunus Emre Institutes (YEE) to learn Turkish before starting higher education in Türkiye and even before arriving in Türkiye. YEE, which aims to contribute to international dialogue by introducing Turkish culture, language and art, today serves with a total of 58 centers in 46 different countries. To access YEE and educational-cultural activities in your country: https://www.yee.org.tr/en/corporate/yunus-emre-institute

In addition to teaching Turkish as a foreign language by YEE, Turkish Proficiency Exam (TYS) is also held. TYS is a central exam which is valid for admission of international students to a university in Türkiye; applied three times a year in Yunus Emre Institutes in Türkiye and abroad simultaneously. 

Developed according to Common European Framework Programme, TYS measures competencies of candidates in reading, listening, writing and speaking skills. At present, studies on application of TYS online, which is applied on paper basis, are ongoing.
For detailed information about TYS and the exam schedule: https://www.tys.yee.org.tr/


After arriving in Türkiye, you can apply to Turkish and Foreign Languages Application and Research Center (TÖMER) affiliated to Ankara University to learn Turkish. TÖMER has branches in the following cities in Türkiye: Alanya, Ankara, Antalya, Bursa, İstanbul and İzmir.

You can register Turkish language courses in Basic, Intermediate and Advanced levels at TÖMER branches in one of these cities for a reasonable fee.

TÖMER also has a representative office in the Republic of Korea. For more information: http://tomer.hufs.ac.kr/